Are you trying to find a reputable company to work on your roof in Georgetown, MA? We are a local contractor based out of Haverhill with over 30 years of experience. With excellent Google rankings and reviews from all over Massachusetts and New Hampshire, you know we can be trusted. Please take some time to click through our website and see how we can help out with your roof in Georgetown, MA.
Who Should You Choose to Work on Your Roof in Georgetown, MA?
Do you need expert advice on your roof in Georgetown, MA? Do your research before choosing a roofing company. Seek someone out that is knowledgeable, trustworthy and responsive. Sign off on all the details of the project before getting started. Be aware of the exact costs and find out in advance what will happen if there are surprise expenses as the work is done. We are ready to assist with your roof in Georgetown, MA so reach out to us today.
When comparing contractors to work on your roof in Georgetown, MA, find a company with superb ratings and reviews. Put your mind at ease and work with a contractor with impressive reviews as you’ll know you they produces exceptional results. You can also learn about what different types of services they offer. Reach out to a local roofer to work on your roof in Georgetown, MA. We have decades of roofing experience with some impressive reviews that you can read here.
Why Choose Talbot Roofing?
Our attention to detail and communication is what makes us stand out from our competitors. From our no pressure consultative approach, to scheduling, installing, and clean up, we keep the customer involved and informed of our process.
Setting the right expectation from the beginning is paramount in ensuring a happy customer and referrals. For example, helping the homeowner choose the right color to compliment the house, re-leading every chimney (not covering the flashing with tar), installing an external baffled ridge vent from end to end to define the roof line, proper “closed cut” valleys for a straight, neat appearance (rather than “woven” like most guys do). Installing the shingles in a stepping pattern as intended rather than a “racking” pattern which is not recommended but most roofers do it anyway. We could go on!
We show up on time and complete the project in a timely and efficient fashion, and within budget.